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  • Writer's pictureMark

My Father The Judge Toro

Chuck's Thoughts:

For the longest time this cigar was outside my price range so even though I kept reading solid reviews I held off. Then I grabbed 10 of these for $70 and I was off and running. A little stronger than my typical go to cigars but very enjoyable. The review that got me interested was when someone said they tasted pretzel dough and still gave it 5 stars. I'm not sure what pretzel dough tastes like but I certainly would say this cigar does NOT remind me of anything close to that (and if it did I would be way less than 5 out of 5 or a top rating). Spicy and a little harsh (not too much but at my limit). Very enjoyable with my favorite whiskey and the draw is perfect. - Chuck


Mark's Thoughts:

So I went to a cookout about 2 years ago and I traded an Arturo Fuente for one of these. At first I was a bit hesitant because I love my Fuente's but since I had quite a few I went for it. Holy crap, am I glad I did that. This is one of my favorite cigars to this day. I only smoke them for really good occasions since the price tag is steep. Steep but worth it! This is a 10 out of 10, 5 out of 5 or whatever you want to give it. Burn is great, flavor awesome, draw top notch -- just damn great all around!!!

My Final Thought - "The last sentence above says it all! Just damn great all around! Awesome and even though they are pricey for my normal smokes, they are well worth it!"
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