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  • Writer's pictureMark

Las Calaveras 2019 LC50

Once a year Crowned Heads puts out a limited edition beauty. I talked about the 2018 being one of my favorite memories, now I'm getting to finally talk about the 2019.

This one is pretty damn good, a tiny notch below the '18 but not much. It has a bit of a bite to it with some spice but extremely smooth. I'd hang on to this smoke for a special occasion and don't give them away unless you know your friends will appreciate it. If they'll only smoke half then tell them you're never giving them a cigar again or buy them a Garcia Vega at the gas station next time you know you're giving them a stick.

Getting back to this LC, it is well worth the price of about $12 a stick and see if you can find some before they are a memory like the '18s are now.

My Final Thought- "Stock up and hold onto them, you will be grateful! I look forward to this release every year. Price really doesn't matter on really top notch smokes you like!"

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