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  • Writer's pictureMark

Deadwood Sweet Jane Corona

Another crazy concoction by Drew Estate. They never seem to amaze me with the hints of flavor mixtures and tastes. Not a flavored cigar just different, and in a good way!

Mark's Thoughts:

Drew Estate just comes up with all types of tremendous brands. This one has been on my radar for quite some time, and low and behold one of my friend's bought me an assortment from Butler Cigars for the holidays. This was the first one I tried from the pack.

The experience had hints of sweetness the entire time, but just hints not overpowering or a piece of hard candy sweetness. Just hints! Once the weather breaks, I'll head down the Butler Cigars (or Slippery Rock Cigars, their sister store) and fill up on these.

My Final Thought - I really liked the smoke because it was different than my typical go-to cigars. This would have been great with a Bailey's or Kalua & Cream type drink after dinner.

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