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  • Writer's pictureMark

Aging Room Quattro Connecticut Vibrato 6x54

My first time smoking an Aging Room cigar. Was it worth it?

Absolutely! Sometimes when I’m going to a cigar shop I know I’m going to get a couple new cigars to try. Once I get there I grab a bunch, see some more, put some back! This might go on for a bit because I just can’t make up my damn mind! My parents used to take me to Children’s Palace Toy Store every year for my birthday and say “pick out one toy“. We’d be there for like 3 hours as I’d pick out one, grab another, put the first back and on and on! I’d touch 45 toys before we’d leave. I’ve put some Aging Room’s back a couple times over the years but I’m glad I bought the Quattro this time!

The cigar is nicely made, beautiful milk chocolate wrapper and full over flavor. I actually bought 4 more sticks the next time at this shop. Gave one to a buddy and smoked 2 of the 3 left. We’ll worth MSRP even though I paid about $2 less.

I just met some of Aging Rooms reps at the Big Smoke Hollywood in October and enjoyed talking with them. I’ll be trying many more labels in the near future. I got the Habana at the conference, but haven’t smoked it yet.

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